
How To Fix Broken Wicker Seat

Well we're in full on spring mode over here and loving every bit of it!  The weather has been co-operating so we've managed to tackle a lot of things in our yard, namely our deck, which I can't wait to show you!  We've painted it, repainted old furniture and basically just fixed a lot of stuff that needed fixing! Including our deck furniture.

I love our deck furniture.  It's made of weaved plastic rattan that has stood up against the elements for quite a few years.  But we haven't been diligent in covering it during our brutal winters, so time has taken a bit of a toll on the chairs.  The weaving has cracked and come undone on some of them, so they desperately needed some TLC.  I'm not ready to let them go just yet, so I decided to fix them myself.

In the back of my mind, because I'm weird like that, I remember my Dad using contact cement to fix things.  I don't know why I remember that, but I do.  So I went over to our local Home Depot, and asked if contact cement would be the right material to fix my plastic rattan chairs.  And apparently it is.

So I bought a bottle (it's super cheap $8 a bottle) and set off for home, very excited to fix my chairs!  Because you can't go through all the trouble of making your deck look amazing, then have terrible looking furniture!

Here's How To:

  • First I cleaned the furniture, then waited for it to dry completely.
  • Then I re-weaved the strands of plastic that had come undone.
  • Then I followed the directions on the bottle of contact cement, just glueing down the ends and pieces that were sticking out.PLEASE read the directions on the bottle of contact cement.  You MUST follow them to ensure the glue cures.
  • That's it.  Super simple.

Here's how the tops of some of my chairs looked before, then after I applied the contact cement:

Fixing Outdoor Rattan Furniture

Fan-tab-u-lous!  My chairs look brand new.  This makes me very very very very happy.  (I'm easily pleased.)  But really, this is amazing to me!  And it took less than an hour to do.  Really.

So this weekend if you are looking for something to do, go fix your chairs.  And you'll find me sipping bevvies on our new deck.  Ahhhhh.

Have an inspired day!

About Jo-Anna Rooney

I'm Jo-Anna Rooney, the creator, director, baker, maker and home decorator here at A Pretty Life! Sharing a simple home life through uncomplicated home tips, home decor and fresh and easy recipes.

How To Fix Broken Wicker Seat


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